Steve Baker

Steve Baker

Few musicians can claim to have made their living from and with the harmonica for the past four decades. Even fewer have had such a formative influence on the development of their instrument, or played such a defining role in how it is now taught. Steve Baker’s work as a live and studio musician, groundbreaking author of instructional books, teacher and workshop instructor has inspired and influenced a generation of harmonica players in many different countries: He has been a consultant to harmonica manufacturer Hohner since 1987 and is regarded as one of the innovators of this instrument in Europe as well as one of its leading exponents worldwide.

Born and raised in London, Steve turned pro in 1975 and relocated to Hamburg shortly thereafter. Characterised by subtle, rhythmically accented phrasing, his unique sound draws on the blues harmonica tradition and combines it with elements from country, folk, funk, soul and jazz to create an exciting and individual fusion, with an emotional intensity which finds its way straight to the hearts of his listeners.

Nur wenige Musiker haben das Glück, dauerhaft von der Mundharmonika leben zu können. Noch weniger dürften eine solche einflußreiche Rolle in der Entwicklung ihres Instrumenten spielen, wie Steve Baker es während der vergangenen vier Jahrzehnte getan hat. Er hat eine Generation jungeren Spieler beeinflüsst und gilt heute sowohl als einer der Erneuerer dieses Instruments in Europa, wie auch als einer seiner führenden Exponenten weltweit.

In London geboren und aufgewachsen, spielt er seit 1975 als Vollprofi und lebt seit vielen Jahren in der Nähe von Hamburg. Von ausgefeilten und rhythmisch geprägten Melodiebögen gekennzeichnet, zeigt seine sofort erkennbare Spielweise eine grundlegende Musikalität, die Elemente aus der Blues-Tradition mit Country, Folk, Funk, Soul und Jazz zu einer eigenwillige und gefühlvolle Mischung verbindet. „Ich möchte mit meiner Musik die Herzen der Zuhörer berühren.“


Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (CD) (5906955239577)
Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (CD) (5906955239577)

Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (CD)

Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (12
Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (12
Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (12

Steve Baker & the LiveWires - The Great Divide (12" Vinyl-Album)

Steve Baker - Perfect Getaway (CD) (5871764275353)
Steve Baker - Perfect Getaway (CD) (5871764275353)

Steve Baker - Perfect Getaway (CD)

Steve Baker - Free Fall (Digital-Album) (6688536592537)
Steve Baker - Free Fall (Digital-Album) (6688536592537)
Steve Baker - Free Fall (Digital-Album) (6688536592537)

Steve Baker - Free Fall (Digital-Album)

Have Mercy - Boodlam (Digital-Album) (6688535642265)
Have Mercy - Boodlam (Digital-Album) (6688535642265)
Have Mercy - Boodlam (Digital-Album) (6688535642265)

Have Mercy - Boodlam (Digital-Album)


Workshop books

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 1 (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922435737)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 1 (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922435737)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 1 (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922435737)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 1 (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922435737)

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 1 (Buch-PDF und MP3s)

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 2  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922534041)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 2  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922534041)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 2  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922534041)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 2  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922534041)

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 2 (Buch-PDF und MP3s)

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 3  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922599577)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 3  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922599577)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 3  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922599577)
Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 3  (Buch-PDF und MP3s) (6688922599577)

Steve Baker - Blues Harmonica Playalongs Vol. 3 (Buch-PDF und MP3s)

Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD) (6710604234905)
Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD) (6710604234905)
Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD) (6710604234905)
Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD) (6710604234905)
Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD) (6710604234905)

Steve Baker - The Harp Handbook (Buch + CD)
